Harnoor Singh's blog JRNL 1220

Harnoor's Neighbourhood profile 

This is my neighbourhood profile assignment

 Census Tract : 9330184.20

Total population : 5619

Neighbourhood Explanation : This region is bordered by Highway 10, which connects to Highway 99, Langley, and numerous other towns. In my neighborhood, there is a park called Goldstone Park. The park's land was originally used by the Goldstone family for farming, but the family donated it to the city of Surrey for a park.

Three most interesting aspects about Vancouver and White Rock, which is where I live

My neighbourhood less populated area as compare to Vancouver and White rock-

There was a significant difference between the populations of Vancouver and my neighborhood in 2021, with the latter having a total population of 2642825 compared to 5619 in the former. From 2016 to 2021, my neighborhood's population increased by 14.2 percent, whereas Vancouver's population increased by 7.3 percent. 

The population of White Rock as a whole was 21939 in 2021, compared to 5619 in my neighborhood, which is a significant difference. But the population proportion from 2016 to 2021 is remarkably similar and does not demonstrate a significant difference. From the period of 2016 to 2021, my area's percentage rate was 14.2 percentile, and 10% of its population was made up of white rocks.

The citizenship comparision of my area with Vancouver and the White rock 

 My neighborhood's citizenship population ratio was 85.2 percent in 2021, with a population of 5595, compared to Vancouver's citizenship population percentage of 83.6 percent in the same year. Despite the population being 2607015, there was only a 1.6 percentage point difference in the percentage of citizens.

The white rock population's citizenship rate was 92 percent in 2021; based on this rate, I can conclude that almost all white rock residents are citizens, with only 6 percent lacking citizenship. However, the citizenship rates in my area and in Vancouver are vastly different from those in White Rock. 

The comparison of indgenous people in my area and in the vancouver and white rock 

In my territory, the proportion of indigenous people was only 1.3 percent, whereas the proportion in the next area was 2.9 percent, with a population of 635. Vancouver, however, had a much larger population of indigenous people than my neighborhood and White Rock, with a ratio of indigenous people of 2.4 and 63345.  



  1. I liked the statistics you picked to write on. It was very interesting to read. I have to say one thing you should add is commas to your large numbers to make it easier to know what it is.

  2. I really like the description that you provided about your neighbourhood, I also like how you explained the rates in more detail!

  3. Hi Harnoor. I really appreciated the background information you provided in regards to Goldstone Park - I used to go to school near there and never knew it was named after a family until now! To improve your assignment, I think fine tuning some grammar and punctuation would really help strengthen your work; for example, capitalizing the name of cities, like White Rock. However your analysis was great and you picked interesting statistics to discuss!


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